My Wife and I wanted to express our genuine thanks for your wonderful service. Not only did you make us a satisfied customer; you have surpassed our expectations in the year and a half of nourishing our lawn. I come from a Garden Centre/Landscaping background family and had grown frustrated with trying to keep a Golf green manicured prize-winning lawn with today's products available to the general public. Furthermore, in our neighborhood anyway, keeping a nice yard doesn't appear to be a priority. Thus when we hired Weed Man, it was our last ditch effort and our end-game desire was to have a mediocre lawn. Well, you surpassed that! In addition, I do appreciate your top-notch punctuality and communication skills. Believe me, it does not go unnoticed. This is a skill and courtesy that seems to be disappearing. Too often businesses only hear the negative; I felt it was truly earned that Weed Man Barrie be noticed with a big thank you. Jamie and Heather Nielsen Barrie, ON
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